My First Taggies Book: Princess (My First Taggies Book)
My First Taggies Book: Princess (My First Taggies Book)
GENERAL FEATURES: Princess by Scholastic is a child's first "Taggies" book and the perfect naptime gift for any Prince or Princess baby. Everyone will love this My First Taggies Book, modeled after the ultra-popular Taggies Fleece Blanket. Snuggly soft, this cloth book features soft Taggies fleece on tlhe cover and lots of colorful tags for children to rub and tug. Suitable for any age.
Customer Review: Great Baby Gift!
Purchased this for my baby cousin Lillian for Christmas and she totally loved it! She is 9 months old and the book went directly to her mouth which is a great sign that she really likes something! It is very soft and comfortable. Perfect for tiny hands! An excellent purchase!
Customer Review: It's a hit!
I bought this book for our 10 month old daughter from China after we first returned home. At first she didn't seem to take to it, but after showing her all the tags, she decided that she like to touch and suck on them. So it's a hit at our house!